
Health data you can actually use

We ingest and structure health data from everywhere and make it easy to use. A diversity of rich data is available for a comprehensive, holistic view of your consumers.


HealthGraph normalizes and enriches the data to make it machine (& human!) readable.

Unstructured data is converted into a consistent format and enriched with industry-standard coding systems.


Our FHIR-compatible ontology is built to understand a user's health journey over time. Gain a longitudinal view of your users' health that expands as data continues to sync beyond the initial connection.

Our inference models, built upon our exhaustive view of an individual's health, help you build insight on top of the raw data.

Easy to use

Access Human API data through a variety of formats and methods, including our FHIR-compatible API, JSON, PDF, CSV, and more.

Whether you're pushing the data to a relational database or dynamically accessing it from our API in real-time, we'll help you digest the data in a way that makes sense for you.


 Ready to learn more?